The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) promotes high-quality, compassionate care for everyone who is seriously ill or nearing the end of life.
Our goal is to transform healthcare so that medical care is aligned
with individual patient’s preferences—that people get the care they need
and no less, and the care they want and no more. Our vision is to create a community where people explore their wishes
for care towards the end of life, express these wishes, and have their
wishes honored.
CCCC is an interdisciplinary collaborative of thought-leaders from healthcare systems and organizations, government agencies, consumer organizations, and the general public.Through advocacy, education, and resource development, we’re working to ensure organizations and communities have the information, resources, and tools to expand palliative care across the continuum of care.
The Children’s Hospice & Palliative Care Coalition (CHPCC) became a division of CCCC in 2015. This strategic unification combined two of the nation’s leading nonprofits dedicated to promoting access to high-quality compassionate care for all who are seriously ill or nearing the end of life. Read more about this collaboration.
California has always been a highly diverse and innovative state. The
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California is building on that
foundation to change the way we care for people with serious illness. Our activities include:
Advance Care Planning Initiative: CCCC works with local coalitions throughout the state to engage the public in advance care planning, and with healthcare professionals to make conversations about the end of life a regular part of providing care.
Consulting Services: Our consulting service works with healthcare organizations to design effective and cost-efficient customized advance care planning solutions that result in a quality experience for patients, families and healthcare teams.
We partner with state and community leaders to develop programs that
meet the important day-to-day needs of kids and their families. We
create opportunities for doctors, nurses, families and community leaders
to talk together about the issues that matter most, and work together
to create collaborative networks to ensure that when children go home
from the hospital they and their families have access to the care they
need to be safe and comfortable at home. The programs we create and
policies we advocate for not only benefit children, but also the
families who love and care for them.
Public Policy: Changing the model for end-of-life care involves not only families and healthcare providers, but also public policymakers. We track legislation and educate policymakers on issues that increase access to palliative medicine and quality, compassionate care.
Palliative Care: As the voice of palliative care in California, we incubate and disseminate models and ideas to improve access to quality care for all people.
CCCC is the home for POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining
Treatment) in California, and we work closely with more than 25 POLST
coalitions in communities throughout the state to spread its use. As a
result of this robust, grassroots collaborative approach, we have seen
successful implementation of POLST statewide. Learn more at
Education: CCCC leads efforts to train healthcare professionals on POLST and advance care planning, as well as on cultural congruency at the end of life. We help providers develop the skills they need to talk with seriously-ill patients and families facing decisions about goals of care at the end of life.
Annual Palliative Care Summit: Each year this conference convenes hundreds of leaders including physicians, nurses, social workers, nursing home administrators, chaplains, policymakers and patients interested in clinical research, quality, and policy as it applies to palliative care.
Resources: We have nearly 20 years of experience creating a range of educational materials for the public and for providers. These resources have undergone expert review to ensure accuracy and accessibility, and many materials are available in multiple languages.